What Is The Best Free Keyword Research Tool? – Try Jaaxy Keyword Tool

Jaaxy: The Ultimate Keyword Research Tool

Keyword research is super important whenever you’re searching for something on Google. One tool that’s been around for a decade now is Jaaxy. It started out with manual processes until 2010, but has since become a top-notch platform. Today, I want to dive into Jaaxy Enterprise and see what makes it special.

But first, let’s talk about some common problems with keyword tools.

If you’ve used keyword tools before, you know they often give you a lot of data. This data can include metrics and values that you need to figure out. The big issue is that sometimes these tools provide keyword data without any real value, making it pretty much useless for those who need it.

What Is The Best Free Keyword Research Tool?

Things to Watch Out for When Choosing Keyword Tools

When you’re looking to invest in keyword tools, there are a few things you should definitely avoid:

  1. Tools that need to be installed: These can be a hassle and slow down your computer.
  2. Tools offering PPC guesstimates: They often give rough estimates that aren’t very reliable.
  3. Tools that use Alexa for competitor analysis: This method isn’t very accurate.
  4. Tools needing search engines to complete tasks: This can be inefficient and time-consuming.
  5. Tools that don’t provide results from all search engines: You want comprehensive data, not just partial information.

These points are red flags that the tools might not be very efficient or helpful for getting the data you need.

If you’re looking for meaningful data without wasting your time and money, Jaaxy Enterprise is the way to go!

Why Jaaxy is the Best Keyword Research Tool

When it comes to finding a great keyword tool, there are three key reasons to consider:

  1. Keyword Competition: How many other sites are using the same keyword?
  2. Potential Traffic: How much traffic can the keyword bring to your site?
  3. Keyword Relevance: How sensible and relevant is the keyword?

Common sense is crucial, especially for the third reason. Jaaxy Enterprise excels in these areas by providing precise and relevant data. It helps you find keywords with low competition and high traffic potential, making your SEO efforts more effective.

Key Features of Jaaxy Enterprise:

  • Low Competition Keywords
  • High Traffic Potential
  • Relevance and Sensibility

Real-World Examples with Jaaxy

Let’s take a closer look at how Jaaxy works with some real examples. When I searched for “women’s nylons,” Jaaxy found 22 related keywords. These keywords are easy to rank for on Google, helping you capture valuable traffic.

Similarly, searching for “old age pensions” returned 18 relevant keywords. These keywords can drive traffic and improve your website’s popularity. Here’s a quick summary:

Search Term Number of Keywords Found Ease of Ranking
Women’s Nylons 22 Easy
Old Age Pensions 18 Easy

Efficiency and Convenience

Jaaxy stands out because of its efficiency. With just a few clicks, you can find the perfect keywords for your needs. Unlike other tools that take forever, Jaaxy delivers quick and meaningful results. Plus, it provides Exact Match Domains (EMDs) with every search, which is great for finding valuable domains.

Jaaxy Plans and Pricing

Jaaxy offers different plans to suit various needs and budgets:

Plan Cost Features
Starter Free Basic keyword searching with some limitations
Pro $19/month More features, faster, $199 annually
Enterprise $49/month All features, fastest, $499 annually

With the Jaaxy Starter Plan, you can try out Jaaxy for free. If you need more, the Pro plan is affordable and provides most features. For the best experience, the Enterprise plan offers everything Jaaxy has to offer.

Easy to Use Anywhere

Jaaxy is a web application, so you can access it with a good internet connection. You can even use it on your smartphone, making keyword research convenient wherever you are.


Jaaxy is an essential tool for anyone serious about keyword research. It’s efficient, easy to use, and offers plans for every budget. Whether you’re just starting out or ready to invest, Jaaxy can help you find those money-making keywords quickly and easily. Give it a try and see the difference it can make for your online business!

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